Olive Crest Giving Tree

Olive Crest

Holiday Giving Trees

Timberland Bank is inviting you to partner with them and Olive Crest to help youth of our community transitioning out of Foster Care this Holiday Season. 

Visit a participating Timberland Bank location, grab a tag from The Giving Tree, and purchase items for these youth in need that are in our community.
Olive Crest Giving Trees are located at Timberland’s Poulsbo, Silverdale , Elma, Downtown Aberdeen, South Aberdeen, Montesano, Hoquiam, Bethel Station, Edgewood, and Auburn branches. Gifts will be picked up at these locations on December 18th.

Plus, Timberland Bank will match up to $1,000 in donations made through Timberland's Online Giving Center November 18 - December 18, 2024.